Heya everyone, Hope you're all well. Here's the download link for Slam Jams Vol.3 Hope you enjoy it xxx https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MA7qChufbQ92vYzSbrBDobZjamekhxma?usp=sharing
Heya everyone, Here's the download for the Liebus EP: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nTCQOJY9qZW7_t22wNrmjNycgwBgL9qD?usp=sharing Hope you enjoy it xx
Heya everyone, Here is the download for Fred Quest - Who Would You Have Been EP https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1952KZ4ZsOiPeG0Spc8o_cwZuFpAe3gGO?usp=sharing Hope you enjoy x
I've finally bit the bullet and stepped over to the dark side. I've got my first hardware synth (a DFAM) and well, I feel like I better put it to some use! I don't have a way to sync it with Ableton yet but I'm sure we can make something work! Exciting times.
Last session we got this one arranged up and tweaked things a bit. Then we added in some FX to keep the transitions interesting. Now it's on to the mix down. There's quite a lot going on with this one so it will be interesting to see how we can make it all fit together nicely.
Alrighty then. The first arrangement has been recorded in and there are a few nice trancey pads to fill it out. It's all starting to come together and this week is gonna be all about the finessing.
OooooooK. Last week got heated! Tantra came out and took the bass line to the next level. I think pretty much all the pieces are in place now and it's time to start working out a structure.
Round two on Little By Little. There's a decent little groove being built here. Time to try and capitalise.
It's time for a Christmas bangeroo. Here we go. Ho ho ho!
I put the call out to the members of the website Discord to send in tracks for me to mix down live and I have chosen this banger by Robbie N4HC. Last week we got the drums and bass rocking and now it's time to get on to the rest of the elements. SC: https://soundcloud.com/robbien4hc