Does what it says on the tin. There is a whole wealth of interesting things you can do when you start building your DJ mixes in Ableton including going ham on the effects or cutting up and making edits and loops out of the tracks. Gone are the days of needing to prove you can mix flawlessly with vinyl or whatever. Let your inspiration fly and give this way a try.
The time has come again to reach down into the undergrowth and see if we can pull up a rare banger. Final tweaks here we come. Time for some variations and fills and then some automation runs.
Yes yes! Got the promo right here for my latest EP, Pulled Through The Wormhole. Hope you enjoy :) Desert Sound Colony · HHANDS014 - Desert Sound Colony - Pulled Through The Wormhole EP Download here:
Mid / Side processing is one of those things that lots of people talk about but not that many seem to actually have a proper understanding of what it's all about. In this tutorial I dive into some useful applications of mixing with mid / side in mind. Some are aesthetic and practical and some are more artistic. Let's do it!
Heya Super Wicked Legends! Here is your quarterly banger :D As promised this is only available to Super Wicked Legend subscribers so you are one of the very few people who will ever own this track. I hope you enjoy it. Desert Sound Colony · Funky Skunky - Desert Sound Colony (Master) Download here:
The main elements are all there. Got some fills as well. Now we just need to do the arrangement and start doing the final tweaks. Live at 8:30pm tonight.
Gain staging doesn't sound very exciting and it certainly doesn't include any sweet bleep bloops or whirly birds. That being said, it is essential to bare in mind when preparing and then starting a new mixdown otherwise your track is gonna potentially be red lining and sounding like garbage.
The time has come again to reach down into the undergrowth and see if we can pull up a rare banger. I’ve got a bit of a new template and I’m intrigued to see what comes out of it… Live tonight at 8:30pm GMT
Who knew how much fun you could have with Frequency Shifters? Stack them all up in a nice pile and go to town with the crazy sounds.
The time has come again to reach down into the undergrowth and see if we can pull up a rare banger. I’ve got a bit of a new template and I’m intrigued to see what comes out of it… Live tonight at 8:30pm GMT